Our Next Concert

Date:  Sunday December 15,  2024    Christmas Concert at Shenandoah University is CANCELLED DUE TO BAD WEATHER


Loading at Johnson Williams Middle School:   

Call Time:  

Concert Time:   

We will meet at rehearsal time on 12/16/2024 to celebrate the year and turn in music.

Band Uniform:   Christmas attire, business attire or the regular band uniform of NAVY pants or skirt and the band shirt   Please no khaki pants, shorts, jeans or hats (except for the official band hat).  Please do not wear distracting Christmas stuff:  lighted necklaces, lighted nose, Christmas hats or antlers, etc.  

Click Here to Read Equipment Transportation Guidelines

  • Band shirts are available from Julie for $20.  The new rule is that you must pay $20 for the shirt at time you receive it.  If you cannot afford a shirt, a band shirt scholarship may be possible.
  • Wear a colbalt blue polo shirt if you do not have a band shirt.  Shirts may be picked up during normal business hours at 3052 Valley Ave. #100, Winchester.  For delivery to band rehearsal, call Julie at 722-6700 or send an email j8649@aol.com.